It's the Green Hat

It's the Green Hat
Hot in the cold!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

It's Iowa Caucuses Time.....and I'm Excited!

Good morning World,

I hope that you all had an OUTSTANDING NEW YEAR!  Although I did not bring the New Year in with my usual rituals of being rowdy, rambunctious and darn out risky, I enjoyed waking up hang over free!  Like the rest of The United States of America, I methodically chose some obtainable (with earnest work) goals/resolutions.  So, bring on 2012 and all the excitement that is inevitably will bring with it!  What excitement do you ask I speak of?  Why the 2012 Presidential Elections is the excitement I speak of!

Tonight is the night of the Iowa Caucauses! This is U.S.'s first election in which the Republican Party will vote on who they would like to see as the Republican Nominee for the President of The United States of America.  Now, I will admit that I have been paying close attention to the candidates that will appear on Iowa's ballots tonight.  As a son of an elected official, my interest in government has always been keen.  I enjoy evaluating both sides of our nations political parties (sometimes three sides....counting the Independents) and making a sound decision on who to vote for.

Crazy thing about this Iowa Caucuses..... I actually care about who wins and how it will affect the rest of the GOP Candidates!  That's right, I do!  Here is my reasoning.....if The President is defeated then I do not want the most racist, rigid, gun happy, homophobic, misogynistic conservative candidate to become my next President.  Either way, I as a responsible American, will support whoever becomes the President of the United States.  That's how a country stays united right?  So, I will pay close attention to the GOP field.  As I view the field, there are some solid candidates. I look forward to seeing how Iowa will rank the GOP gives me an  early indication of who else The U.S. thinks is capable of running the country! ....and this, I have just got to know who, they will come up with...cause I'm not convinced!

Really...did you think I wasn't going to give my opinion somewhere in here!?

Have a Great Day!  .......and Thank You for reading :)

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