It's the Green Hat

It's the Green Hat
Hot in the cold!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Things that were considered "lame" in high school now equals:

Good Sunday to you All,

I hope everyone is doing well.  This weekend has been great so far.  Down here in Atlanta, GA, mother nature has painted us a picturesque view of beauty to behold for the day.  I had a chance to see my Mother yesterday, I talked with several of my cousins and I hung out with one of my best-friends (and thusly some of my old friends as well).  It was great!  I really appreciated folks who I haven't seen in years and relished the joy I was able to help one of my best-friends ever usher in her birthday.

As I grew up with a number of my Jr. high school and High school friends, I thought about something.  We are all turning 30...ain't no more "being a lame".  I heard someone say "...oh man, such and such is just as lame as ever.".  Then we all laughed at the terminology of being "a lame".

Things that were considered "lame" in high school now equals:
  • Staying in on a Saturday night- not lame, you're just tired from a long week of work.
  • Listening to B 98.5 -That's not lame, they play the music we grew up with now!
  • Wearing solid colors- that's not lame, you just don't have to worry about matching
  • Not drinking until you get drunk- lame...I think not, you don't want to lose your license, which would make you lose your job!
  • Going to sleep by 10pm on a weeknight-That's not lame, that's smart sleep planning
  • Making it rain at the club - that's not lame, that's stupid, "do you know how hard I have to work for that money!".
  • Not wanting to drive- not lame..after all that driving you did through the workweek, why bother!?
  • Taking a nap - that's not lame, your pre- stocking up on sleep in order to make it through the week

All of a sudden, looks like what was lame is now just plain...GROWING UP!

Have an Oustanding Day!

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