It's the Green Hat

It's the Green Hat
Hot in the cold!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Things that were considered "lame" in high school now equals:

Good Sunday to you All,

I hope everyone is doing well.  This weekend has been great so far.  Down here in Atlanta, GA, mother nature has painted us a picturesque view of beauty to behold for the day.  I had a chance to see my Mother yesterday, I talked with several of my cousins and I hung out with one of my best-friends (and thusly some of my old friends as well).  It was great!  I really appreciated folks who I haven't seen in years and relished the joy I was able to help one of my best-friends ever usher in her birthday.

As I grew up with a number of my Jr. high school and High school friends, I thought about something.  We are all turning 30...ain't no more "being a lame".  I heard someone say "...oh man, such and such is just as lame as ever.".  Then we all laughed at the terminology of being "a lame".

Things that were considered "lame" in high school now equals:
  • Staying in on a Saturday night- not lame, you're just tired from a long week of work.
  • Listening to B 98.5 -That's not lame, they play the music we grew up with now!
  • Wearing solid colors- that's not lame, you just don't have to worry about matching
  • Not drinking until you get drunk- lame...I think not, you don't want to lose your license, which would make you lose your job!
  • Going to sleep by 10pm on a weeknight-That's not lame, that's smart sleep planning
  • Making it rain at the club - that's not lame, that's stupid, "do you know how hard I have to work for that money!".
  • Not wanting to drive- not lame..after all that driving you did through the workweek, why bother!?
  • Taking a nap - that's not lame, your pre- stocking up on sleep in order to make it through the week

All of a sudden, looks like what was lame is now just plain...GROWING UP!

Have an Oustanding Day!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Baked fried chicken IS NOT fried chicken!

Good evening World,

I hope everyone is on the up and up!  I would like to officially welcome Denmark and Japan to the reading flock.  Welcome!  On this Friday eve, I was wondering what in the world would I blog about today.  By the time I paid my 2.75 for lunch, I figured out exactly what I would talk about.

In an attempt to be health conscious, I tried the baked fried chicken.  Now, to be honest, the chicken looked really great.  It was golden brown, seemingly crispy and even aromatic.  I took my tray, I added fixings in each compartment.  There were mashed potatoes, collard greens, peaches, the baked fried chicken breast and an Arnold Palmer(sweet tea and lemonade mixed).  Oh yeah, lunch was set and I was ready to go in!  I sat down, I sanitized my hands and I picked up my prize piece of chicken.  I took a bite. thing I know, I am grabbing for the Arnold Palmer and trying to drown my esophagus in order to flush the chicken down.  Ive been in deserts that contained more moisture than this chicken!  Each bite was a non crispy dried out catastrophe after the other.  I thought to myself...looked and smelled like fried chicken..then it must be (right?).  I got up immediately and asked the kitchen, "what's the deal with the chicken?".  My answer was "Oh baby, dis is baked fried chicken...its healthy.".  MORE LIKE IT WAS DISGUSTING!

Why torture avid chicken fans by not keeping it real?  I threw the uneaten plate away in disgust.  Hmmph!  If anyone ever offers you this baked fried chicken, run far far away Forrest!

Have a banging evening!

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Thursday, February 24, 2011

When did having a carpeted home go out of style!?

Good evening World,

I hope everyone is doing well.  We have an awful lot to be thankful for (you know, the living, breathing, seeing and thinking processes we are all able to execute).  As I sit on my couch after a very very long afternoon of track practice I began to feel like my muscles are tightening.  As a Coach, I know that means its time to stretch and get fluids into your system.  As a guy from Montgomery, Alabama, this means it is time to get off the couch and onto the floor.

Thanks goodness I have carpet or it would be a very very painful stretching process!  From these thoughts, I then think of how it is almost not modern to have carpet in your home.  At what age is it that adults began to think about the upkeep it takes to have carpet?  It seems as though when everyone starts out to buy a home (or lease an apartment) they look for a place with carpet.  The carpet is all new smelling, lavish and plush to the touch.  Then about two or three years later, everyone goes and yanks out their carpet and replaces it with "lovely" hardwood floors.

Sure, the hardwood floors are easier to clean.  Yeah, I get that.  But, what about the comfortability of lying on the floor or making a pallet on the floor and watching TV?  There is something to be said about stretching out on the floor of your home and not having to get up immediately because the cold, hard floor is dusty.  Is it that when you have kids, you keep the carpet and when you don' don't keep the carpet?  Or is it strictly an energy saver for some?

All I know is, this country boy, is sticking with the carpet!  That's right, keep your easily scratched and scuffed floors!  They are hard, less inviting and definitely less comfortable.  If the home is where you can relax, then carpet is where it is at.  ....except for in the bathrooms and the kitchen (cause cmon, Momma didn't raise no fool).

That's just my two bits people!

Have a Great Wednesday evening!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Watch and Observe!

Merry Merry Monday to you all!,

Whoa, was today a whopper!  I woke up at 4am (I am supposed to wake up at 545am), I hit the ground running at work, I covered for others, I attended a meeting AND coached my track team.  By the way, did I mention, we lifted weights and went on a 1.5 mile run!?  ....yup, me too!  I'm not even going to mention the shenanigan run I made after work!  If this were 1995, I would be in style if I referred to this Monday as a Head Bussa Monday!  As it is now 2011 and I still use that term...I'm suddenly reminded that..mmmmhmmm, I'm 30!

As I went through my hectic and yet enlightening day, I made myself proud.  There were so many instances where pockets of temptation (to do wrong) existed.  From frivolous complaining, to disobeying rules, to avoiding gossip, the day was jammed packed with holes of negativity.  I simply, watched and observed!  That's right, I decided that that was not the type of characteristics I wish to draw into my day.  Today, I understood that my plate of growth had absolutely no space for getting caught up! 
  Did the day kick my butt?  A little.  Do I have any pangs of conscience or anxiety over a bad decision today?  Nope!  Why?  Cause I simply watched and observed! 

p.s.  when you do watch and observe, it's amazing how easy it is to learn and understand a lesson.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Today's Topic: There is an art to being able to just go with the flow

Good afternoon Everybody,

  I hope everyone has been able to enjoy the day in some shape or form today.  I have friends in LA, friends working at their stores (big shouts to The Website Shop owned by Mr. Butler ), friends in the mountains for the weekends and a friend coming over.  In each of those stories, there are many sub stories and plots that weren't quite planned, but sure worked out really well.
  The reason why it has worked out well is that my friends and I have learned that...sometimes, its okay to go with the flow.  When you are able to relinquish control of a situation or go with the "greater good consensus", you let others know that you respect them and trust them enough to follow an idea that is theirs.  It's not that you cannot come up with the better idea or that you are a follower.  The idea here is that you are a big enough man (or woman) to take someone's suggestion and let their light shine.
  To be this type of person, takes time.  You have to know when to hold 'em and know when to go for the gusto!  ...In the long run, you will also find out that your friends will seek you and appreciate you more when you adopt the "go with the flow" attitude.  The art of being a "go with the flow" person usually takes a lifetime to figure out.  People get all stressed out over being in "control", when in actuality, you're always in some form of just have to look at instances from a different point of view.

....PS...Going with the flow has sprang me Mexican food, good company and a great  night to look forward to!

Try it out sometimes

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Today's Topic: Work hard.......PLAY HARD!

Forever Friday to Everyone,

  Talk about a fly by week!  I woke up on Monday and it seems like I didn't get to sleep until Thursday.  I'm all smiles though because its been a great week.  It was not so much a great week, just because of the rapidity of the clock, but because the week was full of productivity!

  Tests were taken, meetings were held, presentations were demonstrated, practice was executed and my personal life seems to have spiked up a bit. To boot, I've began Spring conditioning, so the losing the pounds gained from October through February is well under way.

  So, what am I getting at?  I am getting at the balance of life.  Sure, I have been square edged throughout the week.  Sure, I've graded papers, called parents and have generally been "Mr. Responsible".  But now,, it is the weekend!  My first thought was to just take it easy and have a restful night.  However, the truth be told...I did that all through the week.  It is now the weekend and that means it is time for the balance of PLAYING HARD when you have WORKED HARD!

 That's right, I mean, all work and no play makes for a stressful and dull life.  If you have earnestly put the work in all week, then please do not for get to pat yourself on the back as a reward and PLAY HARD!  It's simple, cause you deserve it.  If you do not treat yourself well, then how can you expect for anyone else to do so either!?

Have a Great Friday.....PLAY HARD!

Friday, February 18, 2011

My monthly "Top Ten Things I've figured out now that I am 30." list !*!

Teflon Thursday to Everybody (let it slide right on off)!,

 Good afternoon Everybody.  Today has been pretty hectic.  Maybe less hectic and a bit more disheveled.  There were pitches thrown my way and I made a hefty contact with each one.  All in all, I can safely call the day a success.  I hope it went the same for all of you.  Just think, tomorrow is Friday and for some of us that means a much needed rest.
  For the sakes of good cheer and me starting a monthly "tradition" if you will, welcome:

The Top Ten Things I've figured out now that I am 30 list!

10.  Gas for your car is a legitimate bill that you should put money aside for each check
9.  A freezer without ice is a home "no no"
8.  Letting go of petty things are easy when you look at the consequences first
7.  My parents are starting to age!
6.  I do not like watermelon anymore (the aftertaste makes me nauseous)
5.  Antacids must be present before I eat : hot wings, hot sauce, tomato sauce, pizza, onion rings
4.  The Golden Rule still holds strong (it's my mantra)
3.  Watching the morning news is like reading the daily newspaper
2.  Music is not as well written today as it was when I was younger (I sound old just saying that)
1.  Patience is the name of the game....when to use it or lose it!

Have a Merry Friday Eve

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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Want to know who you really are....look at your friends!

Winging it Wednesday to Everybody!,
  By everyone, I mean the world!  A HUGE WELCOME to my new readers in The Netherlands, Russia, Italy, Germany, Ireland, Indonesia, The Philippines, Mexico, Canada, Australia, Romania, United Arab Emirates and Morocco.  I am humbled and honored that you all have taken the time to check out my corner of the web.  And to all my U.S. fans....its not a day that goes by that I am not amazed by the encouraging responses.  The other day I hit 64 individuals reading my blog in one day (my highest count so far)!  Outstanding and THANK YOU!

  After a toxy turvey weekend and an even more hectic Tuesday, I thought of a few subjects that would be awesome to discuss.  Our topic for today:  Want to know who you really are, then look to your friends!  That's right, its that simple.  Want to get to know someone, see who they hang out with.  My theory here is that you do not choose your family, but you definitely do choose your friends. 

    I am fortunate enough to have 5 of the best friends a guy could have in the world.  If you look to this group of five guys and 1 girl (Go G. go!) you'd see a great representation of me:  comical, industrious, charming, full of pranks and jokes, viciousness, sharp at the tongue and sharp of with, commanding and big hearted.  Now those are just my best of friends. 

  To really see the correlation, look at how their friends treat them!  If you see the person's friends (let's talk about someone not us!) frequently flake out on them, not return phone calls, never invite them anywhere or constantly bickering...beware!  There is a reason why someone is constantly getting the short end of the stick.  ....In short, you cant judge a book by its cover, but you can judge a person by their friends!

Remember, it takes you being a good friend to have a good friend.

Have a Wonderful Wednesday 

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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Cupid's play day!

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone,

Valentine's day at and around a high school is hilarious.  The students who are into the holiday wear red.  Those not into the holiday wear black or grey.  The little ladies are all dressed up and hoping that someone gives them something.  The young men are toting in bags, poems, candies, teddy bears and are all dressed up as well.
Oh the grandiose love gestures, oh how everyone is holding hands and talking about plans for the evening.  (I think at that age, the only plans for the evenings that they should have should be homework, chores and maybe 15 minutes of talking on the phone....about homework and chores!).  All in all, its a nauseous but sweet time to be had around the high school.
  However, not to be out done, the teachers manage to show out as well.  Oh, the amount of delivery men, bouquets, candies and shimmery red shirts and pants could not be counted today!  Even the most stern of teachers (men and women) were being broken down by flattering texts, compliments and limos parked out front.  I hate to admit it, but the day wasn't so obnoxious as usual.
As for Valentine and that's OK.  Today, I believe I have learned to appreciate and be happy for those who are in love and share love.  It's way better to see than folks arguing and crying over pettiness.  In short, viva Love!

no bah humbug for me today!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

I should put my body on an internal weekend alarm clock!

Good Sunday Everybody,

Over the past several years a disturbing trend has begun to happen.  I have been fortunate to work jobs that afford me having the weekends off.  This is great because I grew up the same exact way.  On Friday evenings, I would take plenty solace in knowing that I would be able to sleep in as long as I wanted to on Saturday mornings.  Not so much on Sundays, because I went to Church most Sunday mornings.  Between waking up at 8am for 930am Sunday school and staying all the way through for regular Sunday morning worship, Sundays were a wrap!  So, Saturday's were all my day.
However, on Saturday's I would wound up waking up early in order to beat my older brother Rico to the T.V./ Saturday morning cartoons (stay tuned for that topic in the future).  I was successful about 50% of the time on that endeavor, for my big brother was quite the early bird on his behalf as well.  It was from those habits that began me waking up (without an alarm clock) early even on the weekends.
The only thing not so cool about waking up now is that....I actually NEED to be sleep.  The only thing worth waking up at 545am in a Saturday and Sunday morning now, is waking up to go relieve oneself and taking my butt right back to sleep!  There are no more Saturday morning cartoons, no Mom or Dad's breakfast's or fights to be battled with my brother about rather we would be watching the Smurfs or the G.I. Joe shows.
Now when I wake up all extra early in the morning, I am only reminded of my body being a slave to the corporate time clock.  I now, mutter an expletive or two, began to clean the apartment and just give thanks that at least the dvr will have something entertaining waiting on me.....until I (get this part), pass back out around 9am and wake back up at 12pm!  GO FIGURE!!!! Aaaaaargh

Have an Outstanding Sunday Folks! 

Big Shout Outs to Lajoi for moving back to the Atlanta!  Im excited...and I know Adrienne is as well!

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Friday, February 11, 2011

Today's Topic: It's your ex...what makes you think I want to talk to them!?! ...and why are you still talking to them?

 Salutations Everybody,

This has been a rip roaring day. I mean, it started off great! I woke up in a good mood, go to work on time...and then, everything turned out not so cool. Commitments were broken, my job made the news, my colleagues are going through "it"....and now my personal life just hit a "whoopsie daisy".
  Why is it that folks can't let their ex's go? I mean it, dagnabbit, why even attempt to start a new relationship if you're not even over the last one?  Then to make matters even worse, you try to tell me: oh, this is just my friend! No it's not! I mean y'all have done the horizontal bop...that ain't just friends. ... And, I definitely don't want to hangout and be friends!
  Simply put, they are your ex for a reason. Remember the love...that's fine, however don't bring an ex into the new relationship's tacky, rude and inconsiderate!

Have a great Thursday...besides, at least someone should

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Your dog did it, now pick it up! ...Oh and there is a conspiracy a brewing.

Terrific Tuesday to you All,

   Hello Everybody!  I hope you all had a great day.  In this year of 2011, I'm finding it strange that Mondays feel more like Sundays and Tuesdays are the new Monday.  Let's not even talk about how the horoscopes have changed and really....I don't know what sign to follow!  Alls I'm saying is:  I'm noticing that there has been a shift in the air since 2011 started. for the real part!

See...ain't no owner in sight!

   I've owned two dogs in my life.  One dog was a 100 pound Weimawaner and the other was a mid sized Labrador Retriever.  Both of these dogs poo'd like crazy!  Oh the times I've been in my own yard and have accidentally stepped in chocolate soft-serve.  The rank, abominable smell, that uncomfortable squish, that instant rage you feel as you take in the whole experience, is all nothing short of having a nervous breakdown!    It's all so traumatizing that it only has to happen to you once, before you "get it".  You have to pick your dog's poo up sometimes.
  For those who do not have their own yard.  Go ahead and grab a plastic baggy and pick up your dog's poo.  The only thing worse than stepping in dog poo is when that dog does not belong to you and you step in the poo!  The only hot lunches I want to happen upon are the one's that aren't from the entrails of a canine.  So, don't be that guy, neighbor, chick or idiot....clean up after you dog Dawg!

This has been a public service announcement, brought to you by your friendly:  DO IT AGAIN AND SEE IF I WONT BE COMING FOR THAT .,,,, LATER society.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

When did you start cussing (cursing)?

Monsterous Monday to you All,

   Hello Everybody!  This Monday flew by!  I mean, it seems as though I was just taking a shower and packing a breakfast of an oatmeal raisin granola bar and yogurt for breakfast this morning.  It seems as though I was just teaching grammar and setting the class into debate teams and helping them to prepare a thorough debate.  All of a sudden I am on the sofa laughing at dvr'd Bernie Mac (R.I.P Mac Man).  ...then my laughter stopped.  All of sudden I recall when a student of mine told me " You doing too much! Shut the f*ck up Mr...".

  Wait...first thing's do you cuss out someone and still address them as "Mr"!?  I'm just saying. (Cuss or Curse words are bad words or swear words that are considered socially vulgar and riskee to use especially in the public)  Okay, back on subject (cough cough), it wasn't the physical cussing out itself that got me.  It was how hard she was cussing at such an age.  Sure, I was cussing in my freshman year, however I didn't dare cuss at Teacher.  Furthermore, it made me wonder how old was I when I began to cuss on a normal basis (not that I do so now...don't judge me!)?
  I know of some instances where kids hear words and repeat it when they are younger.  Im not talking about you poor unsheltered semi abused souls.  Im talking about when did you really began to use cuss words on a regular basis?
  I was in the 7th grade when I began to cuss in school.  I knew better to let an adult hear that language come out my mouth!  That being said, half the reason I used such language was because my friends spoke in such a way that cussing was practically necessary.  Not to mention, my favorite rap groups made cussing sound so righteous, that I had to be down as well ...b!tch (see)!  Now, dont go thinking I blame rap for me cussing.  I am just telling it how I recall the process.  I am still down with cussing (in appropriate settings only).  Either for emphasis or because it's the exact right word for the right time or situation.  The issue is when cussing becomes your first language!    
  Don't be that guy or girl!  Nobody wants to hear you out in public cussing all loud and belligerently.  If you do not have respect for yourself, please at least have respect for the others around you. 

Have a Fantastic Evening...WYBA's!!! (take a guess!)

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Sunday, February 6, 2011

Cause sometimes you need to have a good time

Super Saturday Everybody,

Welp, it looks like I have fallen through the same routine of my Saturday life.  I wake up at my normal time (as if I am going to work), I curse my internal alarm clock and then I proceed to *bake* breakfast.  Now, that wouldnt be a terrible routine (I did catch some great stand up comedy) that was on the DVR and was laughing around 5am this morning. However, I went to sleep around 7am and woke up around 12pm.  Got to be more careful!
However, there came a point today that my friends and I couldv'e said..."we aint doing nothing".  That's the easy way to go.  But, sometimes, you have to be the friend to say, nope, we need to go out!  If only to keep ourselves sane and out of "real" trouble!  So tonight, it's Hookah and possibly going out someplace else night!  The first step to an adventure, is just the simple execution of a thought.  Sometimes, you just have to be the friend who is the motivation.  ....besides, think about it, don't you appreciate when a friend picks you up when youre down.  Takes a good friend, to be a good friend sometimes!

I hope everyone has a great evening!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Ain't nothing like a good quick week

Friggin Friday,

Hey Folks, hows it going?  I hope that all of you had just as great and quick of a week as I have had.  Some weeks are arduous and run at a grueling pace.  Some weeks, your manager hovers over your cubicle or you are made to fly out of town just to make someone else feel good about an "account".  Some weeks, you get written up, put on probation and get a flat tire...all in the same day!

However, this was not one of those weeks.  Between, track conditioning, students passing tests, good lunches, great friends and an accurate dvr, its been a great week.  Now, it's Friday evening and im thinking..."man, if my weekend is anything like my week, I'll be the Miggety Man!".

Get it in!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Just because I have a DVR, doesn't mean I stop watching the commercials!

Happy Friday Eve Everybody!,

  I have been a proud DVR owner for over three years now.  Oh the shows I have recorded, deleted, paused, episodes I kept for keepsakes and the friends I have entertained....such, wonderful memories of past and present services rendered by this magic box.  One of the main perks to the dvr is fast forwarding though the commercials.  No listening to annoying ads, no waiting through agonizing minutes of nonsense before you find out if Agent Gibbs of NCIS was shot or was the bullet a miss.  Yes, the DVR has pretty much changed the whole way in which we watch TV.

  But you see, that's the whole problem.  I began having a hard time focusing on one episode or even really enjoying some of my favorite TV shows.  I became puzzled as to the reason why I was fidgeting, not finishing shows, fast-forwarding through shows and robotically staring at a screen that once gave me so much joy.  After much thought and consideration, I narrowed the answer to one suspect:  I was missing out on the commercials!  Yup, seems that when I watch tv with commercials, I dont fidget, because I know there will be a break soon. I dont fast forward to hurry the show, because I dont worry about focusing too long...cause there will be a break.  Also...commercials add variety to the TV watching experiences and (partially) informs us of the latest "it" or "what's hot".  ...let's face it, every now and then, even I catch a funny (lol worthy) commercial.

 So, I now say, ...let the commercials stay.  If you rush through all of life, you will forget the parts where you're supposed to relax!

Have a Great Evening!!

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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Back on Deck

Whew, it's Wednesday,

Welcome Folks!  Every now and then something eventful happens that throws you off track.  Sometimes its good and sometimes, not so much.  When its not so much, you take time to deal with the situation and get Back On Deck.
Not just a little back on deck, but "all the way (in my Travis Porter voice) turnt up".  Track team started spring conditioning, my students did well on a difficult test and of all, with the new conditioning, I will instantly drop a guaranteed 10lbs.  Go Tada Go!  To make things even better, I took advantage of a Comcastic deal and added on the internets (now I pay for it) for the same price I was paying for normal cable. .....Let's take it further...I just scored a ticket to the Kevin Hart meet and greet comedy show.  Oh yeah, im all about being Back on Deck!
So, now that im all aboard, back to the blogging as usual...and gripping and ripping life...even after 30!

Talk to you tomorrow World!