It's the Green Hat

It's the Green Hat
Hot in the cold!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Everybody really is working for the weekend...almost?

Everybody really is working for the weekend...almost?

TGIF Everybody,

If you're reading my blog, you're more than likely old enough to remember the song 'Everybody's working for the weekend' (youngsters...go YouTube it >sigh<).   I heard this song earlier today and the truth of the song pierced me right in the thought processor. If you are a "9 to 5" or even a "12 to 9" Monday through Friday shifter, literally through life, you are working for the weekend! 
We get up early in the morning, 5 times a week and we throw all our gutts at life, just in order to make it to Friday evening.  Sure it makes those two (deservedly) restfull days sweet, but does that have to be life for the next 20 to 25 years (and that's with smart planning)?  Is that OK?
Thankfully, the human spirit is strong and ever full of hope for better and less hectic times!  Even more thanks for friends, relationships and dare I say the "F" word...."Family"!  Also thanks to mother nature for providing us with tools to cope ;) .
  So... we forget the constant grind of life and allow ourselves to indulge in life pursuits, in order to go thither and obtain goals. Is that life? Unh uh, no way, that's wayyy too deep of a question for a Friday. Besides, we didn't just do 5 days of work for nothing!!!

Grip it and Rip for it's Finally Friday!!

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